So the old broken heating is out (see What's On in Bemerton) and we are planning for gas and water installation. So it looks like we're making progress. Still the work of fundraising and getting local people involved continues. If you'd like to help, we're having a car-boot sale on Sunday 15th May. Moira Packer is super-human but she'd like to make us feel involved by helping with -
- gazebos – she has one, but she still needs 4 or 5 more – please can anyone help by lending theirs?
- publicity – the poster will go up along Lower Road, Post Office etc and there will be a copy in the Leisure Centre and also details on a number of car boot sale web-sites. Jane is going to see if we can put something up at the Harnham Cattle Market and we’re hoping for a mention in the Journal. If there's anywhere else you can put a poster up please get a copy from Peter Webster, myself or Moira.
- Getting sellers – we're not so worried about the number of buyers as making sure we’ve got enough people selling .....if you know of anyone who might be interested in a pitch please can you encourage them to go for it !!
- Volunteers to help with setting up taking down/marshalling cars – we have quite a lot to do to get ready in the morning (gazebos to get up, tables to be moved) and we also need to get the cars parked reasonably sensibly on the cricket field .... so if you know of anyone who could come and give us a hand first thing or afterwards they’ll be very welcome and it’ll make clearing up much quicker for us all.
- Cakes - thanks to all those who’ve already offered to make cakes – if anyone else is able to make a cake it will be very much appreciated !